
Ecolinux on virtualbox1.5 for Windows

自分はWindowsユーザーなので、Windows版で話を進めていきます。 まず、 Downloads - VirtualBoxから最新版(現在は1.5)をダウンロードしてインストールする。 ここでちょっと気になる警告が出たのですが「Windowsに重大な影響を及ぼす可能性があります」とか言われますので、気になる人はMicrosoftに認定されるまで待った方が良いかも・・・ (まだ、再起動していないからちょっと怖い・・・ インストールしてみるとあとは簡単。 日本語化が済んでいるのでVMwareよりも簡単。
今回使用したのは個人的に大注目のLinuxディストリビューション「 The Ecolinux」です。 仮想マシンを使わなくても実際にインストールしていますが、今回は本家Ecolinuxを極限まで軽量化して、本当に最低限度のアプリしかインストールされていない「 Ecolinux-light」を試してみたいと思い、Ecolinux-light1.7でvirtualBoxを試してみました。 設定は単純にダウンロードしたISOファイルを選択するだけ。 あとは普通の仮想マシンのように起動して好きなことが出来ます。
起動したら文字がすごくたくさん流れてきて、止まったら「startx」と入力すると味気ない白い画面が広がります。 これでマウスを使用できます。 最初は自分の使用しているPCのスペックはとても低いのでメモリ126MBの設定にしていますが、とても使えたモンじゃなかったです。 firefoxを選択して(それ以外にはターミナルと時計ぐらいしか・・・)起動するのに5分以上、経過しても起動しなかったので256MBにメモリの設定を変更してみたところ、想像以上にサクサクと動作しました。 重要な注意点ですが、VirtualBoxの仮想マシンから抜け出す方法は「右のCtrl」を押すだけです。 これを知らなくて少しだけテンパッた:P 日本語入力の仕方が分からずに困りましたが、ちゃんとfirefox上では日本語表示出来ていました。 頑張ってSynapticでインストールするらしいですが・・・流石にちょっと・・・ Ecolinux-light1.7の感想は、どうしてJWMにしたのだろうかと。 256MB程度必要になるのならEcolinux+FluxBox環境の方が軽量の様な気もいたしました。 Boot時に表示されるロゴマークがEcolinuxになっていたのは地味にすごいと思いました。 もういっそ、全部の作業はWeb上で!! とか言うコンセプトで、firefoxとネットワーク設定しかない超軽量Linuxとかあっても面白いかも:P 自分が欲しいだけです。 virtualbox1.5の新機能のシームレスモードですが、設定の仕方が分からなかったので今回は行っていません。 Google先生に聞いたら、どうやら可能のようですが詳しく日本語で解説しているサイトが見つからず・・・ 結果: VirtualBox > VMware Ecolinux >> Ecolinux-light と言うことで。
When Advanced Capability of the latest edition of yesterday virtualbox is enormous, because you wrote, really installing, it tried playing. Because by his is the Windows user, it keeps advancing story in Windows edition. First, Downloads - the latest edition (presently 1.5) downloading, it installs from VirtualBox. It means that warning which here becomes the just a little air comes out but “there is a possibility of exerting serious influence on Windows”, that because it is said, the person who becomes matter of concern until it is recognized in Microsoft, whether the one which it waited is good,… Because (yet, it has not restarted, just a little we fear,… When it tries installing, after simplicity. Because localizing into Japanese has been completed, it is simpler than VMware. The fact that this time you use is privately Linux distribution “The Ecolinux” of large attention. Not using the hypothetical machine, really, it is installed, but this time the birthplace Ecolinux was lightened to the extremity, only application of the minimum it is installed truly, trying “Ecolinux-light”, you thought as like, tried trying virtualBox with Ecolinux-light1.7. Setting selects the ISO file which is downloaded simply just. After like the normal hypothetical machine starting, it can do favorite thing. When it starts, letter flowing the large quantity enormously, when it stops, when “startx” it inputs, the dull white picture spreads. Now the mouse can be used. First because the specifications of PC which by your have used are very low it it has set of memory 126MB, but with those which could be used very it was not, is. Selecting firefox, although (about only the terminal and the clock…) it starts other than that, 5 minutes or more, elapsing, it did not start, because when it tries modifying the setting of memory in 256MB, above imagining it operated smartly. * It is the important point of caution, but the method of sneaking away from the hypothetical machine of VirtualBox just pushes “Ctrl the right”. You did not know this, just were troubled a little: P Manner of Japanese input without understanding, it was troubled, but on firefox Japanese being able to indicate it was properly. It installs with persevering Synaptic, it seems, is, but… as expected just a little… As for the thought of Ecolinux-light1.7, why it makes JWM, that. 256MB it becomes necessary, if is, it did also the air Ecolinux+FluxBox environment like light weight. As for the logographic mark which is indicated in the time of Boot having become Ecolinux you thought that it is enormous plainly. Already rather, all job on Web!! With with the concept which is said, the super light weight Linux which is only firefox and network setting being, it is funny, whether: P You just want by your. It is the Advanced Capability seamless mode of virtualbox1.5, but because manner of setting did not understand, this time it has not gone. When hears in Google teacher, somehow it seems like possibility, but the sight which has explained in detail with Japanese is not found,… Result: VirtualBox > VMware Ecolinux >> Ecolinux-light With by the fact that you say. by Google Translate

Unique Japan Ads


IT Fun: Playboy Germany Ads

My Interesting Files: Playboy Germany Ads



水に濡れて下着が「透ける」ユニークな看板−渋谷センター街に - シブヤ経済新聞 - 広域渋谷圏のビジネス&カルチャーニュース



Such an article was written the first time where this Blog is begun

IT Fun: Playboy Germany Ads

My Interesting Files: Playboy Germany Ads

But, radical and ~
Japan it does also the unreasonable air absolutely.

What and, it is to have the kind of announcement which is similar even in Japan.

Getting wet to the water, the underwear in unique “it is transparent” signboard - Shibuya center town - the [shibuya] economic newspaper - business & culture news of the wide area Shibuya sphere

Very, 3DCG it seemed, we fear, it is, but…

As for Germany the nipple being transparent, however it increases, when so you think, as for Japan it is healthy country: P

by Google Translate

iPod : 2007/09/08

最後は実際にiPod nanoが動作している動画。 カバーフローも予想以上にさくさく動いています。
あと、iPhoneと同じOS XだとしたならiPod touchにもFlash Playerは搭載されないと思います。 iPhoneでYouTubeが見えるのは、iPhoneやApple TV用に用意したH.264の動画でQuickTimeを利用して観覧しているので、直接はFlash Playerを搭載していません(だったような気がする。 Web上のFlashは見られませんよ。

Pentium Dual-Core : Price cut

via Intel、Pentium DCやモバイル向けCore 2 Duoを値下げ Intelのデスクトップ向けデュアルコアプロセッサのPentium Dual-Coreが値下げされるようです。
Pentium Dual-Core 旧価格(ドル) 新価格(ドル) 値下げ幅
E2180 (1M L2 cache 2.00 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) - 84 -
E2160 (1M L2 cache 1.80 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 84 74 12%
E2140 (1M L2 cache 1.60 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 71 64 10%
値下げ率は少ないですが、もともと安価なので・・・ これでE2200が100ドル未満で販売される可能性が非常に高くなりました。 また、モバイル向けのCore 2 Duoも値下げさえています。
Core 2 Duo 旧価格(ドル) 新価格(ドル) 値下げ幅
T7800 (4M L2 cache 2.60 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) - 530 -
T7700 (4M L2 cache 2.40 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 530 316 40%
T7500 (4M L2 cache 2.20 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 316 241 24%
T7300 (4M L2 cache 2.00 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 241 241 -
T7100 (2M L2 cache 1.80 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) 209 209 -
T7600 (4M L2 cache 2.33 GHz 667 MHz FSB 65nm) 637 637 -
T7400 (4M L2 cache 2.16 GHz 667 MHz FSB 65nm) 423 423 -
T7250 (4M L2 cache 2.00 GHz 800 MHz FSB 65nm) - 209 -
T7200 (4M L2 cache 2.00 GHz 667 MHz FSB 65nm) 294 294 -
T5600 (2M L2 cache 1.83 GHz 667 MHz FSB 65nm) 241 241 -
T5500 (2M L2 cache 1.66 GHz 667 MHz FSB 65nm) 209 209 -
T7700に至っては40%というすごい下げ幅です。 その他にも値下げされた製品があります。 これからのノートPCにはT7500(2.2GHz)以上が標準的に搭載されるようになりそうです。 MacBookなどもマイナーアップデートがありそう・・・
For the desktop of Intel it seems that Pentium Dual-Core of the dual core processor is reduced. Reduction ratio is small, because is but, originally it is cheap,… The possibility now E2200 being sold under 100 dollars became very high. In addition, for Mobile Core 2 Duo reduction you have obtained. 40% you question reaching up to T7700 and are thin and lower and it is width. There is a product which even in addition is reduced. Future in note PC T7500 (2.2GHz) it may it reach the point where or more is loaded standard, is. MacBook and the like may be minor update,… by Google Translate

400 Million Firefox Downloads

ついにFirefoxが400000000ダウンロード突破しました!! 4億ダウンロードです!! Spread Firefox | Igniting the webというサイトでは逐次firefoxのダウンロード数をRSSにして配信しています。 しかし、アプリケーションでこれほどまでに早く、これだけ多くダウンロードされたソフトもそうないと思います。 とにかく、おめでとう!!
Finally Firefox 400000000 downloaded broke!! It is 400,000,000 download!! With the sight, Spread Firefox | Igniting the web it transmits the frequency of download of sequential firefox in RSS. But, you think that so there is no either software which to this much is quick with application, just this is mainly downloaded. Congratulation!! by Google Translate


Coming soon: Adobe Photoshop Express

via SaaS版Photoshopのスクリーンショット公開 − @IT ついにAdobeのPhotoShopのオンライン版の正体が明かされました。 これは既存のPhotoShopファミリーに取って代わる物ではないが、基本機能としてはトリミングや画像回転、自動修正、ホワイトバランス調整を備えるようだ。 すでにAdobeはYouTubeで動画編集のためのPremier Expressをリリースしているので、ぜひともこれをGoogle のPicasaが採用してくれると便利になるのですが:P 絵を描く機能が欲しければCS 3を買えと言うことでしょうね。
Natural shape of the online edition of PhotoShop of Adobe was revealed finally. As for this is not something which replaces in the existing PhotoShop family, but it seems that has trimming and picture revolution, automatic operation correction and white balance adjustment as a basic function. Already, because Adobe release has done Premier Express for animated picture compilation with YouTube, when Picasa of Google adopts this regardless, it is to become convenient but: P If we want the function which draws the picture don't you think? it probably is to buy CS 3. by Google Translate

Magic: The Gathering :: Lorwyn Preview 2

Lairwatch Giant - 5W
Creature- Giant Warrior (C)
Lairwatch Giant can block an additional creature.
Whenever Lairwatch Giant blocks at least two creatures, it gains first strike until end of the turn.

Crush Underfoot - 1R
Tribal Sorcery - Giant (U)
Choose a Giant creature you control.
Crush Underfoot deals damage equal to that creature's power to target creature.

(Heat/Ardor/Vigor) - 3GGG
Creature - Elemental Incarnation (R)
Whenever damage would be dealt to another creature you control, prevent it. Put a +1/+1 counter on that creature for each damage prevented.
When Heat would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Heat, then shuffle it into its owner's library instead.

Wanderwine Prophets - 4UU
Creature - Merfolk Wizard (R)
Champion a Merfolk (When this comes into play, sacrifice it unless you remove another Merfolk you control from the game. When this leaves play, that card returns to play.)
Whenever Wanderwine Prophets deals combat damage to a player, you may sacrifice a Merfolk. If you do, take an additional turn after this one.

Magic: The Gathering :: Lorwyn Preview 1

自分がMagic The Gatheringを好きと言うことですのでこれからは取り入れていきたいと思います。
まず、新しいシステムとしては「Planeswalker」が採用されることです。 詳しくは分かりませんが、これまではテフェリーなどはPlaneswalkerとしての力を失ったあとの姿で登場していましたので、これらがどれだけ使えるのかは分かりません。 (良く見るとイラストが枠を飛び出してますね:P
あと、マーケティング用のムービーを置いておきます。 設定的にはおとぎ話のような雰囲気です。
Because it is to call Magic The Gathering the favorite by your we would like to keep adopting from now on. Something we would like to keep picking up the card of next term large-sized extract Passion “Lorwyn” who, becomes start of sale on October 12th. First, as a new system it means that “Planeswalker” is adopted. As for details you do not understand, but because so far after losing power as for Teferi and the like as Planeswalker, it had appeared with the form, these just which you do not understand whether you can use. When (you see carefully, illustration springing out, don't you think? it increases the framework: P After, it leaves the movie for marketing. Set it is the atmosphere as in grinding story. by Google Translate

Zoho Business Launching

via Zoho Business Launching At Office 2.0 Conference Ofiice 2.0カンファレンスでオンラインオフィスの大手のAdaptix TechnologiesのZohoが新しいビジネス展開を発表しました。 ターゲットは企業ユーザーで、一言で言うのなら「Officeに特化したGoogle Apps」といった感じです。 独自ドメインやグループ管理・カスタマイズに高度なセキュリティ・バックアップなど企業がオンラインオフィスを使用するにあたって必要なポイントを1ユーザー40ドル/年で提供することを検討中だそうです。 もちろんこれまで通りに個人ユーザーやグループ機能の必要のない人は無償で利用することが出来ます。
The business development whose Zoho of major Adaptix Technologies of the online office is new in the Ofiice 2.0 conference was announced. With the enterprise user, you express the target in one word, if is, it is the feeling such as “Google Apps which is specialized in Office”. When enterprise such as individual domain and high-level security backup uses the online office for group management customization, the necessary point 40 dollars 1 users/the fact that it offers at year while examining probably will be put out, is. Of course, so far in sort the private user and the person there is no group functional necessity being gratuitous, utilizing is possible. by Google Translate

Delicious 2.0 Preview

via TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » 独占スクープ―Delicious 2.0のプレビュー
タグ付けという文化を印象づけたソーシャルブックマークの先駆けの del.icio.usが、限られた招待ユーザーにのみ新しいインターフェイスのテスト行っているそうです。 どうやら今回のDelicious 2.0は1からソースコードを書き直したらしく新機能もいくつか追加されたみたいだ。 ナビゲーションバー・タブバー・ブックマーク・サイドバー・アクションボックス それらが一体どれだけ便利になるのかは分からないが、最近使用していない・・・ だって、firefoxでブックマークするときいちいちポップアップするのですもの。 最近はGoogle Bookmarkを使用してます。 でも、Delicious 2.0で高速化してもっと便利なfirefoxの拡張機能が出てくれると考えちゃうかも:P
The culture, tag attaching del.icio.us of beginning of the social book mark which impresses, the test of new interface has gone in only the invitation user which is limited, so is. Somehow, latest Delicious 2.0 rewrote the source code from 1 to seem, several Advanced Capability it is like it is added. Navigation / Tag Bar / Bookmarks / Side Bar / Action Box You do not understand whether those just one which it becomes convenient, but you have not used recently,… Even, when the book marking with firefox, those which are popup to do one by one. Recently using Google Bookmark, it increases. So, accelerating with Delicious, 2.0 the extended function perhaps, you think that of more convenient firefox comes out: P by Google Translate

Firefox Extensions cause Memory Leaks and Crashes






The extension which makes firefox heavy (extended function) it is the list.

Firefox Extensions cause Memory Leaks and Crashes - CyberNet News

firefox just ahead 400,000,000 download. The reason opening which is not character and extended function probably is numerous in the former browser.
By your have installed rather many extended functions unless and, it is that, being inconvenient, it is helpless, is: P

The detailed reason and solution method of becoming heavy try listing up assuming that you read ahead linking, temporarily.

* Adblock:: Firefox Add-ons
* All-in-One Gestures:: Firefox Add-ons
* Fasterfox:: Firefox Add-ons
* Firebug:: Firefox Add-ons
* mozdev.org - forecastfox: index
* Google Browser Sync
* Google Web Accelerator Download
* IE Tab:: Firefox Add-ons
* Loki:: Firefox Add-ons
* MediaPlayerConnectivity:: Firefox Add-ons
* Mouseless Browsing:: Firefox Add-ons
* SessionSaver
* Tabbrowser Extensions (TBE)

As for extended function of last one it has not utilized, but because method above is permanent station necessary extended function, it is the just a little surprise and agreement.

Recently, because amount used of memory there is no fragment, also is firefox probably that time of the second look has come?
by Google Translate

Moonfall: CSS with variables

via [CSS]変数が使えるスタイルシート -Moonfall | コリス








#!/usr/local/bin/env moonfall




It is the function which wants CSS supporting regardless really.

Moonfall: CSS with variables

It writes out CSS dynamically by the fact that CGI is utilized, it reaches the point where it can reuse the same declaration by the fact that variable is used.

Because it is CGI, it probably is there is no relationship in javascript correspondence?

Because as for those where what compared to it becomes matter of concern as for Moonfall which distributes this the majority of the things which are written is the picture very… it is vague, is.
by Google Translate

VirtualBox’s seamless integration

via Screenshots: VirtualBox’s seamless integration « /home/liquidat
すごい衝撃的なNewsだと思うのは私だけでしょうか? オープンソフトで開発が進められている仮想化ソフト「VirtualBox」が、Mac向けのparallels Desktopで搭載されて一躍有名になったコーヒーレンスモード(Mac上でWindowsソフトのウインドウをMacのウインドウと同じように扱える機能)を搭載しました。 クリップボードも正常に機能するようです。
Performance Comparison
native VirtualBox Vmware
make 64:03 min 107:29 min 101:40 min
grep 6,7 s 20,2 s 18,1 s
パフォーマンス性能も良好なようです。 まだ新バージョンは正式にリリースされていないようですが、ホストはLinuxだけでなくWindows・Mac版のバイナリも用意されていますので無料で利用できる仮想化ソフトとして新しい選択しになるのではないでしょうか。 Windows版でLinuxをコーヒーレンスモードで動くかどうかあとで調べてみよう。
Are those where you think that it is enormous shocking News, probably just I? The hypothetical conversion software “VirtualBox” where development is advanced with the open software, being loaded with parallels Desktop for Mac, the Coherence mode which suddenly becomes famous (on Mac the window of the Windows software the function which can be handled in the same way as the window of Mac) it loaded. Also the clipboard normally seems that functioning is done. It seems that also performance efficiency is satisfactory. Still, new version formally seems that release is not done, but because the host has been prepared also the binary of Windows Mac edition not only Linux, being free, is not new selection to stop dying as the hypothetical conversion software which it can utilize, probably will be? In Windows edition Linux whether or not it moves with Coherence mode, it will try inspecting afterwards. by Google Translate

Steve Jobs gives all iPhone owners $100 back

via ジョブズからの手紙:値下げ前にiPhoneを購入した皆さんへ - Engadget Japanese 昨日発表されたiPod touchに価格を合わせるためにiPhoneの価格を販売開始二ヶ月で200ドルも下げるという強行的な手段に打って出たAppleですが、当然これまでにiPhoneを買ったユーザーは反感を覚えるわけで・・・ そこでAppleは全ユーザーに対してApple Storeで使用することの出来る100ドル分のクーポンを発行することに決定しました。 まだ決定したわけではありませんが、今週中にも正式に発表するそうです。 それにしてもAppleで使える100ドル分のクーポンとなるとそれだけApple製品が売れるのか・・・ 100ドルとなると中途半端なのでそれ以上に製品が売れるとなると良いことだらけじゃないか! iTune Storeで利用できれば便利そうです。
It is Apple which attacks in the force expedient that yesterday in order to adjust price to iPod touch which is announced the price of iPhone it reduces also 200 dollars at sale start two month, but as for the user which naturally so far buys iPhone being the case that you remember antipathy… Apple - To all iPhone customers Then Apple it decided in issuing the coupon of 100 dollars which can use with Apple Store vis-a-vis all user. Is not the case that it is decided still, but it announces formally even during this week, so is. Nevertheless, when it becomes the coupon of 100 dollars which can be used with Apple just that being able to sell the Apple product… When it reaches 100 dollars, because it is vague, when it can sell the product above that, when it becomes, there is no thing being lazy which is good? If it can utilize with iTune Store, so it is convenient. by Google Translate


Tenori-On Crazy LED Digital Instrument Set for September Launch

via Tenori-On: Tenori-On Crazy LED Digital Instrument Set for September Launch - Gizmodo ずいぶん前からデジタルデザイン系の雑誌には一度は登場しているYMAHAと岩井俊雄さんの「TENORI-ON」ですが、やっとイギリスで試験販売だそうです。
LEDを使って音と光が広がる独特の楽器のTENORI-ON 説明書を読むよりも実際に触ってみるのが一番のような気がします。 一人で楽しむにはもったいないような代物です。
Extremely, from before as for one time “TENORI-ON” of YMAHA and Toshio Iwai which have appeared is to the magazine of digital design type, but test sale it probably will put out at last in England, is. Using LED, sound TENORI-ON of the unique musical instrument where light spreads Rather than reading the instruction manual, the air the fact that really it tries touching the first way does. To enjoy alone, wasted it will be it is the substitute. by Google Translate

Google Reader Adds Search

via Google Reader Adds Search

ついにGoogle Readerに検索機能が付きました。



  • サイドバーの右側をクリックしても非表示にできるようになる(これまでショートカットキー「u」で非表示にできた)。
  • 未読件数のカウントが最大1000件までに。
  • フォルダとフィードの間をforward と back ボタンで移動できる。



Search function was attached to Google Reader finally.
Always because you use, you were surprised to abrupt extensions: P

It is splendid in addition to the item of not yet reading and the star attachment to be able to search from the article which was read so far is.

When even keyword of the article which is skipped absent-mindedly you have remembered, it can read once more, those where until now it is not probably are function of strange extent.
It is possible also to search at the Blog unit, but when the number of registers is many, whether just a little serious. Here is the place where we want the function which is searched the classified by label.

Below it probably will start passing the extensions other than searching, is.

* Clicking the right side of the side bar, it can make non, indicatory it reaches the point where (with shortcut key “u” it could make so far non indicatory).
* Count of not yet reading number of cases to maximum of 1000 cases.
* Between the folder and the feed it can move with forward and the back button.

Most the top is to think that it was from several days ago, but…

Today is the day when update of Google service is many!!

by Google Translate

Fun with the iPhone accelerometer

さて、200ドルも価格を下げたiPhoneは今が買いなのかもしれません。 しかし、一部では販売して3ヶ月しないのに大幅に価格を下げなければならいほど切羽詰まっているのかと言う意見もあります。
そんなこんなうちにiPhoneハックもついにiPhone独自拡張の分野にも突入しました。 iPhoneの3軸加速センサを利用する方法が発見された模様です。 昔のMacBookのハードディスク保護のための加速センサを使って作成されたライトセイバーを思い出します:P
ソースコードはこちら。 Medallia Blog: iPhone accelerometer source code
思うんですけど、新しいiPod touchのOS Xを搭載しているとすればこれらのハックが使えるのでしょうか? 実際に販売されるのが今月末なのでそれまでワクワクして待ちましょう。
Well, perhaps iPhone where also 200 dollars reduced price now it is buying. But, at part selling, although 3 months it does not do, if it does not reduce price substantially, you learn and that there is also the opinion which you say whether the extent heading you have been plugged. Into such a such also iPhone hack rushed finally even to individual field. It seems that the method of utilizing 3 axial acceleration sensor of iPhone is discovered. Using the acceleration sensor for the hard disk protection of MacBook of former times, you remember the light/write saber which was drawn up: P As for source code this. Medallia Blog: iPhone accelerometer source code You think, however it is, if we assume that OS X of new iPod touch is loaded, it probably is to be able to use these hack? Actually because the fact that it is sold now is end of the month the framework framework doing to that, it will wait. by Google Translate

Nintendo DS Lite Crimson & Black Release

via ニンテンドーDS Lite ハードウェア情報 - カラーバリエーション
ついに日本にも新色登場です。 クリムゾンアンドブラックはすでに北米では発売されていましたが、このたび10月4日に日本でも発売されることになりました。 これで合計8色の中から選ぶことが出来ます。 中は黒で持っていてもかっこいいDSのカラーです。 PSPの薄型も発売されましたし、iPod touchにして携帯向けデバイスは人気な市場ですね。
Finally it is new color appearance even in Japan. Crimson & Black had been sold in North America already, but it came to the point of this each time on October 4th being sold even in Japan. Now it is possible to choose from midst of total 8 colors. The inside having with black, is the color of groovy DS. The thin shape of PSP it was sold and, to iPod touch for carrying as for the device popularity in the market the shank. by Google Translate

Google Spreadsheets Lets You Import Online Data

via Google Spreadsheets Lets You Import Online Data Google Spreadsheets が知らない間にすごいパワーアップしてました!!
まず、自動的に連想して入力を補完してくれる機能が付いたそうです。 実際に自分の(日本語版)でたてみましたが、JanuaryとFebruaryが交互に出てくるだけで失敗。 まだ対応してないようです。 1月・2月と入れてみてやってみましたが失敗。 規則性のある数字なら成功しました。 これ以外にも単語などにも対応しているようです。 これらのデータはGoogle Setsから持ってきているみたいです。 何よりの目玉はWebらしいXMLを引っ張ってきて埋め込むことが出来るようになりました。
=GoogleReader ("http://itfuns.blogspot.com/atom.xml", "items title", "false", 3)
ためしにこのブログのAtomを読み込ませて表示してみました。 RSSやXML以外にもHTMLのXPathを解析して表示したり、データを表示したりかなり幅広い使い方が出来そうです。 Google Spreadsheetsを使ってフィルタリングとか出来そうな気もします。
While Google Spreadsheets does not know, enormous power raising, it increased!! First, associating automatically, the function which compensates input was attached, so is. Actually by your (Japanese edition) with you built and tried, but January and February fail just come out alternately. It seems that does not correspond yet. It tried trying inserting January February, but the failure. If the number which has regularity it succeeded. And it seems that is corresponding in word and the like other than this. These data are like it has had from Google Sets. From as for some eyeball pulling XML which Web seems, it reached the point where it can imbed. =GoogleReader (“http://itfuns.blogspot.com/atom.xml”, “items title” and “false”, 3) Making Atom of this Blog trial read, it tried indicating. Analyzing XPath of HTML in addition to RSS and XML, method of using where it indicates, indicates the data and/or is rather wide probably will complete, is. Using Google Spreadsheets, it does filtering it probably will complete also the air. by Google Translate