ジョブズからの手紙:値下げ前にiPhoneを購入した皆さんへ - Engadget Japanese
昨日発表されたiPod touchに価格を合わせるためにiPhoneの価格を販売開始二ヶ月で200ドルも下げるという強行的な手段に打って出たAppleですが、当然これまでにiPhoneを買ったユーザーは反感を覚えるわけで・・・
そこでAppleは全ユーザーに対してApple Storeで使用することの出来る100ドル分のクーポンを発行することに決定しました。
iTune Storeで利用できれば便利そうです。
It is Apple which attacks in the force expedient that yesterday in order to adjust price to iPod touch which is announced the price of iPhone it reduces also 200 dollars at sale start two month, but as for
the user which naturally so far buys iPhone being the case that you remember antipathy…
Apple - To all iPhone customers
Then Apple it decided in issuing the coupon of 100 dollars which can use with Apple Store vis-a-vis all user.
Is not the case that it is decided still, but it announces formally even during this week, so is.
when it becomes the coupon of 100 dollars which can be used with Apple just that being able to sell the Apple product…
When it reaches 100 dollars, because it is vague, when it can sell the product above that,
when it becomes, there is no thing being lazy which is good?
If it can utilize with iTune Store, so it is convenient.
by Google Translate