KDE 4.0のリリースは2カ月遅れの2007年12月に | マイコミジャーナル
Linuxで多く採用されているデスクトップ環境のKDE(K Desktop Environment)の次期メジャーバージョンとなる4.0.0のリリースが今年の12月に遅れるそうです。

KDE of the desktop environment which is adopted to be many with Linux (K Desktop Environment) 4.0.0 releases which become next term measure version are late in December of this year, so is.
Somehow, being said, that it is difficult release to do originally within year, we would like to hurt, is.
Don't you think? when that happens, it means that in the formal edition of Fedora8 current KDE is adopted.
If the release of Fedora8 is not late, it is story, but…
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