CodeZine:「Rubyに次いでPHPも」 フリーの統合開発環境Aptana M9リリース(Eclipse)
統合開発環境(IDE)「Aptana Milestone 9」が27日リリースされ、今回のバージョンアップではPHPのサポートを開始。

Integrated environment for software development (IDE) “Aptana Milestone 9” 27 day release is done, with the latest version upgrade starting the support of PHP.
So it is convenient for the function of PHP to be indicated with cord/code assist.
And the point where what compared to being surprised supports many javascript libraries.
Various javascript libraries are renewed to the latest edition at the time of timewise update, so is.
Desired function is function of the visual design like Dreamweaver: P
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統合開発環境(IDE)「Aptana Milestone 9」が27日リリースされ、今回のバージョンアップではPHPのサポートを開始。

Integrated environment for software development (IDE) “Aptana Milestone 9” 27 day release is done, with the latest version upgrade starting the support of PHP.
So it is convenient for the function of PHP to be indicated with cord/code assist.
And the point where what compared to being surprised supports many javascript libraries.
Various javascript libraries are renewed to the latest edition at the time of timewise update, so is.
Desired function is function of the visual design like Dreamweaver: P
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