Open XML、ISO/IEC国際標準化投票で承認にとどかず | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル

MicrosoftのOffice 2007で標準的に採用されているOpen XMLですが、これを国際標準に決定する投票にて承認は得られませんでした。
現行のOpen Officeなどのオープンソフトウェアで主に使用されているOpenDocument Formatがそのまま使用されることになりました。
Open XMLもMicrosoft独自の閉じた規格というのではなくEcmaの認定を得ており、OpenDocument Formatとは対等に渡り合えるはずなのですが、今回はMicrosoftが少しばかり焦ってしまったのが敗因だったようです。
Open XMLが標準化されれば、国などの機関では当然のようにOpen XMLに対応した製品(主にMicrosoft Office)が利用されることになるのでMicrosoftがやる気になるのは分かります。
It is Open XML which, is adopted standard with Office 2007 of Microsoft, but at the poll which decides this in international standard approval was not obtained.
It was decided that OpenDocument Format which is used with the open software of current Open Office and the like mainly is that way used.
Is not, Open XML Microsoft individual standard which closes and it is to be the expectation which obtains the recognition of Ecma, OpenDocument Format it can compete equally, but this time Microsoft a little only seems that the fact that you are hasty is case of defeat.
(Omission) it has been about it will appeal to the expedient such as inflating of poll and the holding being packed of the member to push in the ISO itself guideline into the standardization process of ISO due to the method of violating largely
So is.
If Open XML is standardized, with institution such as country the proper way because the product which corresponds to Open XML (mainly Microsoft Office) it means to be utilized as for Microsoft becoming motivation you understand.
As for Japan don't you think? it probably is to vote to either one?
by Google Translate

MicrosoftのOffice 2007で標準的に採用されているOpen XMLですが、これを国際標準に決定する投票にて承認は得られませんでした。
現行のOpen Officeなどのオープンソフトウェアで主に使用されているOpenDocument Formatがそのまま使用されることになりました。
Open XMLもMicrosoft独自の閉じた規格というのではなくEcmaの認定を得ており、OpenDocument Formatとは対等に渡り合えるはずなのですが、今回はMicrosoftが少しばかり焦ってしまったのが敗因だったようです。
Open XMLが標準化されれば、国などの機関では当然のようにOpen XMLに対応した製品(主にMicrosoft Office)が利用されることになるのでMicrosoftがやる気になるのは分かります。
It is Open XML which, is adopted standard with Office 2007 of Microsoft, but at the poll which decides this in international standard approval was not obtained.
It was decided that OpenDocument Format which is used with the open software of current Open Office and the like mainly is that way used.
Is not, Open XML Microsoft individual standard which closes and it is to be the expectation which obtains the recognition of Ecma, OpenDocument Format it can compete equally, but this time Microsoft a little only seems that the fact that you are hasty is case of defeat.
(Omission) it has been about it will appeal to the expedient such as inflating of poll and the holding being packed of the member to push in the ISO itself guideline into the standardization process of ISO due to the method of violating largely
So is.
If Open XML is standardized, with institution such as country the proper way because the product which corresponds to Open XML (mainly Microsoft Office) it means to be utilized as for Microsoft becoming motivation you understand.
As for Japan don't you think? it probably is to vote to either one?
by Google Translate