アップル「スペシャルイベント」は9月5日、招待状はカバーフロー - Engadget Japanese

モチーフはCover Flowで、新型iPodの発表はほぼ確実のようですね:P
Opening of the special event of Apple deciding on September 5th, it seems that that invitation sends.
Don't you think? as for motif with Cover Flow, as for announcement of new model iPod almost it seems like certainty: P
Also Beatles' member being rear one person, it is finished product and, the kind of air which also the Beatles-related announcement is good being does.
Already next week with something the shank!!
by Google Translate

モチーフはCover Flowで、新型iPodの発表はほぼ確実のようですね:P
Opening of the special event of Apple deciding on September 5th, it seems that that invitation sends.
Don't you think? as for motif with Cover Flow, as for announcement of new model iPod almost it seems like certainty: P
Also Beatles' member being rear one person, it is finished product and, the kind of air which also the Beatles-related announcement is good being does.
Already next week with something the shank!!
by Google Translate