
Tenori-On Crazy LED Digital Instrument Set for September Launch

via Tenori-On: Tenori-On Crazy LED Digital Instrument Set for September Launch - Gizmodo ずいぶん前からデジタルデザイン系の雑誌には一度は登場しているYMAHAと岩井俊雄さんの「TENORI-ON」ですが、やっとイギリスで試験販売だそうです。
LEDを使って音と光が広がる独特の楽器のTENORI-ON 説明書を読むよりも実際に触ってみるのが一番のような気がします。 一人で楽しむにはもったいないような代物です。
Extremely, from before as for one time “TENORI-ON” of YMAHA and Toshio Iwai which have appeared is to the magazine of digital design type, but test sale it probably will put out at last in England, is. Using LED, sound TENORI-ON of the unique musical instrument where light spreads Rather than reading the instruction manual, the air the fact that really it tries touching the first way does. To enjoy alone, wasted it will be it is the substitute. by Google Translate