メディア・パブ: Google Newsの方向転換, 新聞社サイトのトラフィックが減りそう
Google NewsがYahoo Newsのように方向転換。
新聞社ではなく通信社と契約しコンテンツ全文をGoogle Newsで配信するようにした。
驚いたのはGoogle Newsにはまだ広告モデルが確立されていないと言うこと。
Google News like Yahoo News direction conversion.
Was not the newspaper publishing company and it made a contract with the news agency and tried to transmit the contents all sentence with Google News.
Those where Google side pays the money become the news agency.
So far, it quoted the portion of the article from the newspaper publishing company and the news sight etc in order to read all sentence, it must trace the link to that sight, but in the article from the news agency which it makes a contract it reached the point where it can read all sentence inside Google domain.
As for being surprised say that the announcement model is not established to Google News yet.
Because it has made a contract Yahoo with all news sights already, it can introduce also announcement.
In the future it probably will keep converting also Google to the Yahoo model?
The business where goal of earnings is not in sight yet before that it holds Google too much…
by Google Translate