かなり今更ですが、iPod touchなどの革新的な製品が発表された今月5日にあったスペシャルイベントのキーノートを見ました。
9:39 AM これからApple Special Eventを見る
9:40 AM jobsが登場しただけで拍手喝采www
9:41 AM 日本でもダウンロード販売一番なんだ
9:43 AM 32%がデジタル販売のみの楽曲
9:45 AM iPhoneは72日で1million売れたんだって。 =100万台
9:46 AM jobsの使ってるのは新しいiMacだ!
9:48 AM 着信音つくるのに99セントか・・・
9:49 AM でも、自分の好きな音楽から好きな部分を簡単に着信音に出来るのはいいな
9:51 AM 英語のギャグは分からない・・・orz
9:52 AM now download じゃないんだ
9:53 AM iPod shuffle のシルバーはいらない子
9:55 AM ジーンズのポケットからってにくい演出だなぁ
9:58 AM ホイールで遊ぶゲームって難しそう
10:00 AM 音楽再生中のカバーフローはどことなく重たい:-)
10:02 AM Video Podcastもみれるんだ
10:04 AM アメリカ人は拍手のタイミングの空気を読みすぎ
10:05 AM 人気があるnanoが一番規格変更されてる
10:06 AM 何というiPodの無駄遣いなCM:P
10:07 AM iPodがClassicになった日
10:08 AM 160GBってmini涙目
10:09 AM 日本で4万以上って高すぎねぇ
10:11 AM キター
10:12 AM 8mm アンビリーバボー
10:13 AM ジョンレノンのカバーアートだ
10:14 AM DEMOった
10:17 AM touchはiphotoみたいにイベント機能はないんだ
10:20 AM safariばっかり起動しててどれだけバッテリーが持つのか知りたい
10:21 AM YouTubeはどうでもいいから、Flash Playerを入れて下さい
10:22 AM そうしらたニコニコ動画が見られるのに・・・☆rz
10:23 AM ナビゲーションはサイトの一番上にくっついてるんだ
10:24 AM FaceBookだ
10:25 AM YouTubeのサンプルビデオが怖すぎるwww
10:26 AM ポケットから取り出すのは、iPodのジンクスかな
10:28 AM ホリデーシーズンっていつさ?
10:29 AM One more
10:30 AM iPodで音楽を買えるのは絶賛されてる
10:31 AM iTunesにバックアップするって!!
10:32 AM ジョンレノン流れたよ!!
10:34 AM Buy nowのアニメーションすらカッコイイ
10:35 AM でも、こんなに簡単に買い物ができると無駄使いしそう
10:37 AM トマトジュースうめぇ
10:38 AM スタバと提携
10:41 AM ニンテンドウDSがiTuneに対応してたら・・・
10:43 AM スターバックスだけで一日何万㍑のコーヒーが消えるんだろう?
10:46 AM スタバのトップの話が長い・・・
10:50 AM ぜひ日本でWi-Fiストアを提供する際はマクドナルドを
10:51 AM jobs神の今回の製品のまとめ
10:52 AM 79ドル~399ドル
10:53 AM iPhoneって絶対バイブレーション付いてないよね?
10:54 AM 200ドルの値下げ
10:56 AM 強制参加スタンディングオベーション
10:57 AM アンジェラアキみたいなの来た
10:58 AM 聞いたことある曲だ
10:59 AM 以上でした。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
The keynote of a special event that was on the fifth this month when a reformative product such as iPod touch was announced was seen though it was considerably natural now.
The memo is opened to the public because it saw while taking notes to Twitter/
9:39 AM hereafter, Apple Special Event will be seen.
9:40 It applauds ..only the appearance of AM jobs.. www.
It is the first. 9:41 the download sales also in AM Japan
9:43 AM 32% is music only of digital sales.
9:45 Selling of 1million at 72 days as for AM iPhone =One million
9:46 It is new iMac that AM jobs uses.
9:48 Are they 99 cents though the AM ring tone is made ・・・?
9:49 As for AM, it was possible to do and all ..neigh.. ..yes.. burst out
laughing to the ring tone because of my favorite music as a favorite part was
easy. ?
9:51 The gag in AM English is not understood ・・・ Orz.
9:52 It is not AM now download.
9:53 The silver of AM iPod shuffle is an unnecessary child.
9:55 The black of nano ..hateful production it.. is Caccoii from
the pocket of AM jeans.
9:58 In the game where it plays with the AM wheel, the game of
accident instigating number Germany is a Japan style somehow.
10:00 The cover flow the AM music's reproducing is heavy somehow :
The person of PC went out.
10:02 AM Video Podcast can be seen.
The photograph seems to be severe in two-inch display ・・・.
10:04 The AM American is a child who is cheap and doesn't want
silver of reading too much as for the air of the timing of
10:05 Accessories from which standards are changed to popular AM
nano most are serious.
10:06 ..waste.. CM:P of what AM iPod
10:07 Day when AM iPod became Classic
10:08 AM 160GB is mini watery eye.
10:09 40,000 or more is ..AM Japan.. ..height...
10:11 AM Kitar
10:12 AM 8mm Ambirebabor
10:13 The camera is regrettable and having disappeared is
regrettable. AM John Lennon's cover art it
10:14 AM DEMO
10:17 AM touch doesn't provide the event function like iphoto.
10:20 Wants to learn whether it is a battery very much by only AM safari's
10:21 It is trivial, and put Flash Player in AM YouTube, please.
10:22 ・・・* rz though seen. ..playing AM.. ..passing.. ..smile.. animation
10:23 The AM navigation sticks on top of the site.
10:24 It is AM FaceBook.
10:25 Www that sample video of AM YouTube is scared
10:26 Is it a saying of iPod that takes out of the AM pocket?
10:28 The AM season of the holiday is when.
Isn't it LOST?
Isn't there full a browser in the United States?
10:29 AM One more
10:30 How does the management of this account spoken very highly
of become possible the purchase of music with AM iPod?
10:31 It is backup in AM iTunes.
10:32 AM John Lennon flowed.
10:34 Even the animation of AM Buy now is Caccoii.
10:35 When it is possible to shop so easily also with AM, it seems to waste
10:37 AM tomato juice Ume
10:38 AM Staba and tie-up
Is Starbucks in Japan does offer Wi-Fi and?
10:41 AM Nintendo DS is a cod corresponding to iTune ・・・.
10:, Starbucks..day.Does it drink and will coffee disappear?
10:46 A top story of AM Staba is long ・・・.
10:50 McDonald when the Wi-Fi store is offered in Japan ..AM.. by all means
10:51 Summary of AM jobs god's this product
10:52 AM 79 dollar?399 dollars
The mortar ・・・ : la iPhone it.
10:53 Isn't there AM iPhone ..the vibration applying..?
10:54 Price cut of AM 200 dollar
10:56 AM compulsion participation standing ovation
10:57 It came like AM Angela Aki.
Anything is done alone too much.
10:58 It is a tune with the AM hearing.
10:59 It was AM or more. Thank you for listening.
Keynote is very seen though it is heavy and:P.