
iPod Shuffle (PRODUCT) RED!?

via iPod Shuffle (PRODUCT) RED も登場?? - 気になる、記になる…

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「iPod moe」とか登場しそうで怖い:P

この記事の画像はオンラインで画像編集が出来る Snipshot: Edit pictures onlineを使ってみました。

Red iPod shuffle after all 3 times is fast is probably will be or!?

In the special event of Apple which is planned on September 5th iPod and nano may update, because is, as for Shuffle whether it is accustomed red,…

So, Apple was not the Japanese company and you think that it was good truly.
“iPod moe” it may appear being, we fear: P

As for the picture of this article Snipshot which can do picture compilation the online: It tried using Edit pictures online.
Originally although it is the Png picture, picture quality…
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