
FancyForm - Javascript checkbox replacement

via [JS]フォームのラジオボタンやチェックボックスをかわいくする -FancyForm | コリス

FancyFormとは mootoolsのプラグインでチェックボックスやラジオボタンをクールなデザインに変更することが出来ます。



FancyForm it is possible with plug in of mootools to modify check box and the radio button in cool design.

Of course because the basic check box of OS is applied even with the environment where javascript does not operate relief.

It is not to be the case, problematical point, but by his was confused the filter which is done.
Always, because it is different from the interface which is used it was difficult to understand a little, whether either one is the button, is.
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